Abbreviations & Glossary

  • AGB = Above Ground Biomass 
  • AGCP = Absolute Global Cooling Potential
  • AGWP = Absolute Global Warming Potential
  • BGB = Below Ground Biomass
  • Balancers = Companies (net-zero) buying CO2 removals to (over-)compensate their CO2 footprint
  • BCEF = Biomass Conversion and Expansion Factor
  • BC = Biochar = charcoal-like substance by pyrolysis
  • CAs = Corresponding Adjustments
  • CCS = Carbon Capture and Storage
  • CCU = Carbon Capture and Utilization
  • CDR = Carbon Dioxide Removal
  • CFIs = Carbon Farming Initiatives
  • CO2 = Carbon Dioxide 
  • COP27 = 27th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change = UN climate change convention
  • CORCS = CO2 Removal Certificates
  • Carbon Pool 
  • Carbon Removals
  • Cooling = Removal of carbon from earth's atmosphere and storage elsewhere (in t CO2 equivalent / year)
  • CRCF = Carbon Removal Certification Framework
  • CSI = Carbon Standards International
  • C-sink = Carbon sinks are short-term or long-term storage of organic material and the associated carbon
  • CSR = Corporate Social Responsibility
  • CSRD = Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (from EU)
  • DW = Dead Wood 
  • EBI = European Biochar Industry Consortium
  • ESG = Environmental Social Governance
  • GAP = Good Agroforestry Practices
  • GHG = Greenhouse Gas
  • GHGP = Greenhouse Gas Protocol
  • GWP = Global Warming Potential
  • Growers = Farmers + Tree Planting Partners (TPP)
  • HWP = Harvested Wood Product 
  • ICVCM = Integrity Council for the Voluntary Carbon Market
  • IPCC = Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
  • LTA = Long Term Average
  • MPTS = Multiple Purpose Tree Species (Trees that are used for different purposes in addition to wood. Fruit trees for example.)
  • MRV = Measurement, Reporting and Verification
  • NDCs = Nationally Determined Contributions
  • NBS = Nature-based Solutions 
  • PES = Payment for Environmental Services
  • ppm = parts per million
  • SaaS = Software as a Service
  • SBTi = Science Based Targets Initiative
  • SDGs = Sustainable Development Goals
  • TC = Timber Construction
  • TNCR = temporary nature based carbon removal | TREEO nature based carbon removal 
  • TPP = Tree Planting Partner
  • TTB = Total Tree Biomass = total oven-dry weight of all tree parts
  • t aCO2e = Global Cooling Service metrics are quantified in units of t aCO2e (pronounced as "ton of annual CO2 equiavlent"). To clarify, 1 t aCO2e signifies the physical sequestration of carbon corresponding to the removal of 1 t CO2e from the atmosphere, sustained over an annual period.
  • UNFCCC = United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
  • VCM = Voluntary Carbon Market
  • VCMI = Voluntary Carbon Markets Integrity Initiative

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