ICVCM = Integrity Council for the Voluntary Carbon Market
IPCC = Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
LTA = Long Term Average
MPTS = Multiple Purpose Tree Species (Trees that are used for different purposes in addition to wood. Fruit trees for example.)
MRV = Measurement, Reporting and Verification
NDCs = Nationally Determined Contributions
NBS = Nature-based Solutions
PES = Payment for Environmental Services
ppm = parts per million
SaaS = Software as a Service
SBTi = Science Based Targets Initiative
SDGs = Sustainable Development Goals
TC = Timber Construction
TNCR = temporary nature based carbon removal | TREEO nature based carbon removal
TPP = Tree Planting Partner
TTB = Total Tree Biomass = total oven-dry weight of all tree parts
t aCO2e = Global Cooling Service metrics are quantified in units of t aCO2e (pronounced as "ton of annual CO2 equiavlent"). To clarify, 1 t aCO2e signifies the physical sequestration of carbon corresponding to the removal of 1 t CO2e from the atmosphere, sustained over an annual period.
UNFCCC = United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change