Expert talk at TREEO: the future of carbon dioxide removals

The voluntary carbon market has rightly come under heavy criticism. But there already are solutions to the challenges that have been raised. To clear the air, this May we hosted our first Expert Talk at TREEO in our Stuttgart headquarters. Our goal was bringing together different local perspectives about the carbon removal sector. We were very happy to count with valuable insights from the government and industry sectors thanks to our special guest speakers: Dr. Christoph Hoffmann, Member of Parliament and chairman of the Committee for Economic Cooperation and Development, and Dr. Friedemann Stock, Head of Sustainability at STIHL.

Dr. Hoffmann spoke about the relevance of afforestation in the face of climate change, as well as the national and EU-wide expected qualities of removal credits (like accurate quantification, additionality, durability and sustainability).

Dr. Stock shared with us important aspects about defining sustainability in industry, what the sustainability journey at STIHL looks like, and what has led them to choose TREEO for their nature-based carbon dioxide removals.

We are already looking forward to our next event - let us know if you'd like to be in our guest list next time!


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