Enhance your tree monitoring with improved image quality in the TREEO App

In tree monitoring, clear and accurate images are crucial. Initially, we had lower image quality to improve upload speeds, which made reporting and data validation difficult. We are now excited to announce an update to the TREEO App that enhances image quality thus making tree monitoring and data collection more effective.

What’s new

Our team has implemented advanced image processing techniques for sharper, more detailed photos. You can now enjoy higher resolution, thus images that capture even the smallest features with exceptional clarity. However, the image file size has increased from an initial average of 200 KB to the current average of about 800 KB, resulting in higher data consumption. Therefore, the upload speeds will depend more on your internet connection. But rest assured that the data will be uploaded successfully!

How this benefits you

  • User Confidence: build greater confidence in your data collection efforts.
  • Reliable Data Validation: better image clarity ensures correct and reliable data.
  • Enhanced Analysis: Detailed images help identify species, detect diseases, and assess growth.
Image quality before update
Image quality after update

Moving forward

We are committed to continuously improving the TREEO App to support your needs. Try out the improved image quality feature today by updating your TREEO App to version 14.1.55 via the Google Play Store. Share your experiences and feedback with us on social media or reach out to us at support@treeo.one 


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