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From seedling to building with TREEO

Recently, the importance of removing CO2 from our atmosphere has gained more attention, but a critical aspect of high-quality carbon dioxide removals…

A person holding a phone with the TREEO tree-scanning app and the TREEO card, measuring a tree's diameter at breast height (DBH).

Therefore: TREEO

Recently, The Guardian published an article that raised concerns about the effectiveness of carbon-offset projects within the voluntary carbon market…

Event screens with the text COP27 Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt 2022

Inclusion, transparency & climate action: TREEO takeaways from COP27

Here we share with you the top three takeaways from our time in Egypt at COP27, which have left us filled with hope and motivation to continue working…

Protecting forests, biodiversity and the rights of indigenous peoples: an example from the Amazon and the Congo Basin

General statement by Johannes Schwegler for the public hearing held by the Committee for Economic Cooperation and Development (AwZ) of the German…

Good forests as Climate Solutions: How do rainforests store CO2 in the long term?

“Buildings and the construction sector together account for 40% of total direct and indirect CO2 emissions.”

Welcome the newest official member of the Fairventures family: TREEO!

We are proud to give you an update on TREEO, the monitoring technology that we have been developing in Uganda during the past 18 months with support…

COP26 – High stakes at global scale

Patience Naamara, our Ugandan Country Director, attended the UN Climate Change Conference (COP26) as a member of the Ugandan delegation!

Why reforestation is more than just planting trees

Reforestation can help us address two global crises at once. This is what scientific findings show us. On the one hand, it helps to restore degraded…

Johannes Schwegler at TEDx Kassel

On October 25th our managing director Johannes Schwegler was also invited to join the list of his renowned predecessors.


Join us in cooling the planet!