Cool the planet

Track your accurate, traceable, data-backed contribution to global cooling

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TREEO offers high-quality, certified carbon sinks to actively and verifiably cool the planet. Real climate impact requires a holistic approach that brings together the three pillars of sustainability: ecology, economy, and social aspects.

No double counting

Based on the yearly single-tree monitoring, TREEO reports every certified carbon sink to the registry of Carbon Standard International. Buying and retirement transactions are recorded in this registry.

Real & Measurable

The yearly single-tree monitoring data is cross checked with satellite images.



TREEO manages tree carbon sinks for 10 to 30 years while supporting different reforestation projects: production or conservation forest or agroforestry. Durability of up to 100 years through carbon storage in construction timber and biochar.


Our 50% pre-financing business model removes financial barriers, enabling farmers to set up reforestation projects in remote areas.

Conservative modelling

Our carbon modeling is calculated with tree species- and region-specific growth models. TREEO monitors and counterbalances  project emissions. This approach minimizes the risk of projects falling significantly below expectations.

Prevention of leakage

Farmers maintain their land rights, so they can continue agricultural practices; they are not forced to convert primary forests to farmland.

Risk buffer

TREEO plants forests with a risk buffer of 20% to compensate for the loss of trees due to nature, organizational, business, or geopolitical incidents.

TREEO Cooling

Immediate impact

TREEO Cooling is a certified carbon removal product with a realistic timeframe and granular data. With TREEO Cooling, we dynamically model the yearly cooling effect of a tree-based carbon sink (C-sink). Then we monitor yearly the real cooling performance of the C-sink. We bring you the real data for each single tree through the TREEO Technology and our science-based methodology.

TREEO Biochar

Long-term storage

Biochar C-sinks lock-up carbon for centuries or even millennia. TREEO transforms residues from our forests maintenance (thinning and pruning) into biochar under the Artisan C-Sink standard. This guarantees the sequestered carbon remains stored for longer. 


Precise tree tracking

The TREEO Technology is the first certified dMRV tool for the monitoring of standing trees at a global scale through the Global Tree C-Sink Standard from Carbon Standards International. The TREEO App efficiently captures critical data - GPS location, timestamp, diameter, biomass, and CO2 of each tree - using just a standard smartphone!

Holistic Thinking

A holistic approach for real impact

Empowered farmers

TREEO enables farmers in the Global South to become entrepreneurs in the carbon market, utilizing the CO2 potential of their lands as a benefit for both people and the environment.

Diverse co-benefits

Guided by the Global Tree C-Sink standard which contemplates community involvement and biodiversity, promotes the use of native tree species, and prevents monocultures and clear cutting.

Fair pay

80% of your payments finance the planting projects in Indonesia and Uganda. Approximately 50% reaches the farmers and tree-planting partners directly, depending on the actual carbon sequestration of their trees.


We consider the entire carbon value chain and the need for C-sink renewal. We store carbon both in temporary c-sinks like trees, and permanently in timber construction and biochar.


TREEO’s vision for long-term durability in the ecosystem

Sales Roadmap

Your journey with us

A sustainable lifestyle requires a holistic approach. We don’t stop just at removing CO2 from the atmosphere: we ensure that farmers in the Global South are fairly paid, that the sequestered CO2 is stored in temporary C-sinks as well as long-term C-sinks like biochar, and we now offer you our technology as Software as a Service (SaaS) to empower your tree-planting initiatives. With TREEO, you help protect biodiversity, improve soil quality, and advance agroforestry systems with precise and transparent data.

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Working together


Join us in cooling the planet!