Scale your impact

Enter the carbon market and get paid for your carbon removals


Due to a huge amount of requests, the registration process is currently paused
Stay tuned!

Climate Crisis

The climate crisis is the greatest challenge of our time. With your reforestation projects you're already part of the solution. Never has your work been more urgently needed.

Source: McKinsey & Company (2021)

The carbon market is growing rapidly; now it's time to scale. Over the next 30 years the demand for carbon credits is expected to increase by a factor of 100. Let's grow together and supply the world with carbon removals.

Carbon finance

Additional revenue with carbon finance

It's extremely difficult and expensive for tree planters to enter the carbon market at present. TREEO grants you access to annual payments from carbon finance, plus we take care of all the administrative details so that you can focus on making a positive impact on the climate.

Reforestation is now more profitable than deforestation. Finally!


Pre-finance your tree-planting operations

We know from experience how challenging and costly reforestation can be. That's why we pre-finance up to 50% of your operations up-front.

Recruit more farmers, expand your infrastructure, and roll out your operations. Today.


Make your impact visible with TREEO

The TREEO app makes monitoring simple and efficient—saving you time and money, increasing transparency, and building trust with your stakeholders.

Scan each tree once a year using our free and easy-to-use monitoring technology and get reliable data that shows the positive impact your plantations are having on the climate.

Onboarding Roadmap

Your journey with TREEO

TREEO empowers you to scale your impact. Design your projects with us to receive valuable pre-financing and roll out your operations today. Together we can empower farmers and improve livelihoods around the world.


Join us in cooling the planet!