TREEO in NATUR Magazine: Advancing carbon removal and reforestation

We are excited to share that TREEO has been featured in the latest issue of NATUR magazine

In this feature, Johannes Schwegler, our CEO, provides an in-depth look at TREEO's approach to carbon removal and our commitment to advancing reforestation efforts. The interview is part of NATUR’s focus on “CO2 Reduction Through Certificates,” exploring the role of carbon certificates in mitigating climate change.

Here’s a summary of the key points from Johannes’s interview:

Tree Planting

Despite challenges and past instances of fraud, tree planting remains a crucial strategy for addressing climate change. Trees are powerful tools for sequestering CO2 and cooling the planet. At TREEO, we believe in the importance of continuing and expanding reforestation projects to restore our natural ecosystems and fight global warming. 

Reforestation of Degraded Areas

Johannes emphasizes the need to focus on reforesting areas that aren’t completely barren. Reforestation efforts are most effective when conducted near existing natural habitats. These areas, still containing some degree of vegetation, can support faster and more robust forest recovery. By targeting these regions, we can maximize the impact of our reforestation initiatives. 

Transparency and Realistic Pricing

The carbon market has faced issues with transparency and unrealistic pricing. Johannes highlights the need for transparency to rebuild trust and ensure the effectiveness of carbon removal efforts. We must address past communication and measurement errors, establish realistic pricing, and implement larger safety buffers to enhance the credibility and impact of carbon certificates. 

Global and Local Projects

Effective carbon removal requires a combination of global and local projects. Reforestation efforts in the global south are crucial due to the faster growth rates of trees in these regions. Simultaneously, local projects are important for sequestering carbon in the soil and supporting community-based projects. By integrating both types of projects, we can achieve a more comprehensive and impactful approach to carbon removal. 

Circular Economy

Johannes advocates for a circular economy model where captured carbon is reintegrated into the economic cycle. This could involve using carbon in construction materials or producing plastic from CO2. Embracing a circular approach addresses climate change and fosters innovation and sustainability across various industries. 

Trees offer immense potential for CO2 sequestration and cooling the planet. While direct air capture technologies are promising, they are currently costly and not yet widespread. Therefore, we must pursue both natural and technological solutions in parallel to effectively tackle the climate crisis.   

You can read the full feature in NATUR magazine to learn more about our work and the future of carbon removal. Explore the edition  here and  here (paywall). We extend our heartfelt thanks to Hannah Möller and the entire editorial team for this wonderful opportunity to discuss our mission and vision. 


Join us in cooling the planet!