From seedling to building with TREEO

Recently, the importance of removing CO2 from our atmosphere has gained more attention, but a critical aspect of high-quality carbon dioxide removals (CDR) - the long-term storage, or durability, of carbon - is often overlooked. Amid the recent scandals and uncertainties plaguing the voluntary carbon market (VCM), companies are increasingly seeking real, transparent, and durable CDR solutions that rise above the dubious offerings of cheaper offsets. At TREEO we have the solution. We combine the TREEO technology with the natural CO2-capturing ability of trees and store the carbon long-term in the form of harvested wood products and biochar.

Addressing the construction industry's carbon impact

The construction industry is a major contributor to world CO2 emissions, accounting for roughly 40%. However, there are ways to mitigate this impact. This is particularly important considering the projected growing demand for housing and other buildings as the urban population worldwide increases.

Timber plays a crucial role in addressing climate change. Forests act as carbon sinks, absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and storing it in trees and soils. Additionally, wood products can serve as a substitute for materials with a higher carbon footprint, such as concrete and steel. By utilizing sustainably sourced wood, buildings can act as long-term carbon sinks.  

Introducing the TREEO timber approach

The Timber Innovation Center in Kampala, an initiative established by our sister organization Fairventures Worldwide, showcases the effectiveness and potential of engineered wood products, exemplifying the benefits of this approach.

TREEO leverages the carbon capture function of trees and the storage potential of timber to achieve long-lasting Carbon Dioxide Removals (CDR), from seedlings to buildings.  By providing timber through the TREEO methodology, we can contribute to the transformation of the construction sector towards a more sustainable one, while removing CO2 from our atmosphere in a circular manner and providing local social and environmental benefits.

Advancing towards a net zero future

Sustainable building materials like timber (when properly sourced) can play a crucial role in achieving durable carbon storage and reducing carbon emissions. The transformation of the construction sector is imperative, and the adoption of such materials can be a significant step in that direction.

TREEO's long-term vision is to revolutionize the timber value chain in the construction industry by using buildings as a way to reduce carbon emissions and provide shelter for the growing urban population. We aim to contribute to reducing the carbon footprint of the construction industry by up to 244 GtCO2 - a significant step towards achieving a sustainable future.

This holistic approach requires the development of a standardized methodology for Harvested Wood Products in the built environment, which can be combined with existing biochar standards to create a comprehensive value chain. At TREEO we are partnering with stakeholders in the forestry and timber construction industry to facilitate the shift towards sustainable timber buildings and away from carbon-intensive materials like steel and concrete.

Learn more about how TREEO can provide you the accuracy and transparency your company needs here.



  1. Ahmed Ali, K.; Ahmad, M.I.; & Yusup, Y. 2020. Issues, Impacts, and Mitigations of Carbon Dioxide Emissions in the Building Sector. Sustainability12, 7427.
  2. Churkina, G., Organschi, A., Reyer, C.P.O. et al. 2020. Buildings as a global carbon sink. Nat Sustain 3, 269–276.

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